Wednesday 20 November 2019

"Hockey, Kids & Positive Parenting: Michael's Story" is a revised edition of the award winning book: "Hockey, Kids & Positive Coaching". There are some additions to the manuscript, as well as some deletions.

Monday 11 November 2019

Hockey, Kids & Positive Parenting: Michael's Story

“Hockey, Kids & Positive Parenting” (Revised edition of: "Hockey, Kids & Positive Coaching" is an inspiring story about how a young boy’s love for the game of hockey is affected by the pressures placed on him by the adults closest to him in life.

It is a tale that demonstrates the value of love and how a child’s growth and development is enhanced when guided by those who are more concerned about feelings of self-worth than numbers on a scoreboard.

“Hockey, Kids & Positive Parenting” attempts to teach that the journey to true peak performance in life flourishes through guidance and education that goes beyond skills, a quality education that effectively uncovers inner strengths and allows these strengths to grow to their greatest potential.

The value of developing a strong sense of self of self-worth cannot be over-emphasized.